The future of work is rapidly changing, with higher flexibility of the labour market and increasing informal employment in many countries worldwide. There is also an increased pressure to extend working careers until older age. We introduce the concept of working life expectancy as a useful metric, capturing the expected numer of years in paid employment across the working age individuals, in particular among different groups. We describe factors that determine working life expectancy. Macro-level factors focus on the socioeconomic and political context that influences labour force participation, primarily policies and legislation in specific countries. At the meso level, employment contracts and working conditions are important. The micro level shows that individual characteristics, such as education, gender, and age, influence working careers. There are three important groups with a disadvantaged position in the labour market-workers with chronic diseases, workers with impairing disabilities, and workers aged 50 years or more. Within each of these disadvantaged groups, macro-level, meso-level, and micro-level factors that influence entering and exiting paid employment are discussed. To assure that paid employment is available for everyone of working age and that work contributes to better health, specific challenges need to be addressed at the macro, meso, and micro levels. To reach inclusive labour force participation, national policies, company practices, and workplace improvements need to be aligned to ensure safe and healthy workplaces that contribute to the health and wellbeing of workers and their communities.