We consider an outsourcing problem where a software agent procures multiple ser-vices from providers with uncertain reliabilities to complete a computational task before a strict deadline. The service consumer's goal is to design an outsourcing strategy (defining which services to procure and when) so as to maximize a specific objective function. This objective function can be different based on the consumer's nature; a socially-focused con-sumer often aims to maximize social welfare, while a self-interested consumer often aims to maximize its own utility. However, in both cases, the objective function depends on the providers' execution costs, which are privately held by the self-interested providers and hence may be misreported to influence the consumer's decisions. For such settings, we develop a unified approach to design truthful procurement auctions that can be used by both socially-focused and, separately, self-interested consumers. This approach benefits from our proposed weighted threshold payment scheme which pays the provably minimum amount to make an auction with a monotone outsourcing strategy incentive compatible. This payment scheme can handle contingent outsourcing plans, where additional procure-ment happens gradually over time and only if the success probability of the already hired providers drops below a time-dependent threshold. Using a weighted threshold payment scheme, we design two procurement auctions that maximize, as well as two low-complexity heuristic-based auctions that approximately maximize, the consumer's expected utility and expected social welfare, respectively. We demonstrate the effectiveness and strength of our proposed auctions through both game-theoretical and empirical analysis.