Rectal contents of 56 adult bobcats (Lynx rufus) in 2014 and 2017 from remote areas of Mississippi were examined microscopically for parasite stages after the sugar flotation method. Among the helminths, eggs/larvae found were: Paragonimus sp. in 12, Toxocara cati-like in 16, trichurid-capillaridlike in 3, hookworms in 27, and lungworms in 28. Among the protozoa, oocysts/cysts found were: Cystoisospora felis-like in 2, Cystoisospora rivolta-like in 4, Cryptosporidium sp. in 1, and Giardia sp. in 1. Additionally, numerous Sarcocystis sporocysts were detected in the feces of 12 bobcats; sporocysts were described morphologically. The status of C. felis derived from the bobcat and other wild felids is reviewed and compared with C. felis from the domestic cat. It is the first record of C. rivolta from the bobcat. The presence of eggs of Paragonimus sp. and T. cati in feces of 21.4% and 28.5%, respectively, suggests a role for the bobcat in the dissemination of these zoonotic helminths in the environment in the wild. Taxonomy of coccidia of wild Felidae is discussed and Isospora lyncis Levine and Ivens, 1981 from the Lynx is now regarded as a species inquirenda.