Accurate significant wave height (Hs) prediction is crucial for marine renewable energy development. The hybrid models combining multi-resolution analysis techniques such as empirical mode decomposition and wavelet transform with intelligence algorithm have flourished i Hs forecasting. However, these hybrid models cannot fit multivariable input mode well. In this study, a novel multivariable hybrid model is proposed. The improved complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (ICEEMDAN) and recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) were integrated as the deterministic and stochastic components decomposition (DSD) method. Then three machine learning models was integrated with DSD method as hybrid models, respectively. For more sufficient forecasting information, wind speed (Ws), wind direction (Wd) and Hs were adopted as inputs to construct multivariable hybrid models. The forecasting experiment was benchmarked with those from univariate hybrid models, multivariable single models and univariate single models. Three buoy-measured datasets were utilized for validation. Results revealed the positive effect of wind data on long-term prediction and the improvement to prediction by the DSD method. Benefiting from the advantages of both, multivariable hybrid models outperformed other benchmark models. Among them, the multivariable hybrid model based on long short-term memory (LSTM) network, DSD-LSTM-m, achieved the best forecasting performance.