This article deals with the measurement of quality in public health services in the Basque Country, which are provided by the public body Osakidetza -Basque Health Service. It describes general quality methods , tools in the field of business and health management, together with others specific to Osakidetza, the latter of which are analysed in greater depth. Specifically, the concept of quality has been studied from a multi-faceted perspective, which includes different aspects of the term. Such as contracted versus funded quality; certified, comparative, perceived and evaluated quality. The main conclusion is the confirmation of the importance of objectives aimed at the quality of the health service and management quality in the Basque Health Service. These are achieved, among other things, through knowledge of the perception of patients and users of the health care received through satisfaction surveys, as well as the establishment of contracted quality commitments which, when achieved, receive specific funding through the formula of formalising programme contracts.