With the increased request for better student success, several methods investigate teachers' effectiveness undertaken with continued support from a related learning technology. With less durational experiences or extended education, programmers can have several ranges in theorybased universities. Teaching effectiveness in higher education strengthens students' impact and performance in the learning environment. The technological development in different platforms is completely understood and enhances education strategies. Community-based learning advantages for higher education are well recorded. The author concludes that educational institutions must make thoughtful choices about the parts they use, that they should strategically manage the network of internal and external stakeholders, including all communications and well-informed decisions, that they should recognize that shifts in student perceptions are common and encourage flexibility in system operations, and that it is normal for platforms to have specialized, high-performing departments/sections. The perspective of the group member is relatively less understood. Therefore, this paper proposes a community theory-based learning (CT-BL) framework to improve higher education learning technologies. CT-BL presents perspectives on how professors should contribute to strengthening partnerships between students and educators. The descriptive statistical model is used in a questionnaire session to recognize the central points in community participants' answers. Practical application of the framework within a variety of conservation groups illustrates the integrated approach's potential to serve as a portal through which practitioners can enter the realm of social science theory to better comprehend the current state and future directions of CT-BL interventions and activities. Students from several universities form collaborations to describe the way of theory-based learning. The community-based learning is evaluated based on the questionnaire raised by the learning participants. The community-based theory enhances higher education learning technologies. The overall participants of the University's higher education strategies are focused on community-based learning. Added teacher support for student awareness of information, experience, and competence and expanded academic participation in all cooperation elements involving advisor suggestions. The numerical results show that the proposed CT-BL model enhances the evaluation rate of 95.6%, reliability ratio of 94.2%, an efficiency ratio of 95.3%, the recognition accuracy of 90.3%, learning recognition rate of 92.2%, the impact of beliefs of 96.2%, dynamic nature rate of 93.4% when compared to other existing models.