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Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) position statement on chronic suppurative lung disease and bronchiectasis in children, adolescents and adults in Australia and New Zealand
Chang, Anne B.
Bell, Scott C.
Byrnes, Catherine A.
Dawkins, Paul
Holland, Anne E.
Kennedy, Emma
King, Paul T.
Laird, Pamela
Mooney, Sarah
Morgan, Lucy
Parsons, Marianne
Poot, Betty
Toombs, Maree
Torzillo, Paul J.
Grimwood, Keith
[1] Queensland Univ Technol, Australian Ctr Hlth Serv Innovat, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
[2] Queensland Childrens Hosp, Dept Resp & Sleep Med, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
[3] Charles Darwin Univ, NHMRC Ctr Res Excellence Paediat Bronchiectasis Au, Menzies Sch Hlth Res, Child Hlth Div, Darwin, NT, Australia
[4] Prince Charles Hosp, Thorac Med, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
[5] Univ Queensland, Fac Med, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
[6] Translat Res Inst, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
[7] Univ Auckland, Dept Paediat, Auckland, New Zealand
[8] Starship Childrens Hosp, Auckland, New Zealand
[9] Middlemore Hosp, Dept Resp Med, Auckland, New Zealand
[10] Univ Auckland, Dept Infect Dis, Auckland, Qld, New Zealand
[11] Gold Coast Hlth, Dept Paediat, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
[12] Monash Univ, Cent Clin Sch, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
[13] Inst Breathing & Sleep, Heidelberg, Vic, Australia
[14] Flinders Univ S Australia, Coll Med & Publ Hlth, Darwin, NT, Australia
[15] Board Northern Terr Gen Practice Educ Ltd, Darwin, NT, Australia
[16] Pandanus Med NT, Millner, NT, Australia
[17] Monash Univ, Monash Med Ctr, Dept Resp & Sleep Med & Med, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
[18] Perth Childrens Hosp, Dept Physiotherapy, Perth, WA, Australia
[19] Telethon Kids Inst, Wal yan Resp Res Ctr, Perth, WA, Australia
[20] Univ WA, Sch Med, Dept Paediat, Perth, WA, Australia
[21] AUT Univ, Sch Clin Sci, Auckland, New Zealand
[22] Univ Sydney, Concord Hosp, Fac Med & Hlth, Sch Med,Dept Resp Med, Sydney, NSW, Australia
[23] Univ Sydney, Nepean Hosp, Fac Med & Hlth, Sch Med,Dept Resp Med, Sydney, NSW, Australia
[24] Queensland Univ Technol, NHMRC Ctr Res Excellence Paediat Bronchiectasis, Representat Parent Advisory Grp, Cough & Airways Res Grp,Australian Ctr Hlth Serv I, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
[25] Hutt Hosp, Whatu Ora Capital Coast & Hutt Valley, Resp Dept, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
[26] Victoria Univ Wellington, Sch Nursing Midwifery & Hlth Practice, Wellington, New Zealand
[27] Univ Sydney, Sch Publ Hlth, Sydney, NSW, Australia
[28] Nganampa Hlth Council, Alice Springs, NT, Australia
[29] Univ Sydney, Royal Prince Alfred Hosp, Sydney, NSW, Australia
[30] Griffith Univ, Menzies Hlth Inst Queensland, Sch Med & Dent, Southport, Qld, Australia
evidence base practice;
systematic review;
D O I:
R56 [呼吸系及胸部疾病];
This position statement, updated from the 2015 guidelines for managing Australian and New Zealand children/adolescents and adults with chronic suppurative lung disease (CSLD) and bronchiectasis, resulted from systematic literature searches by a multi-disciplinary team that included consumers. The main statements are:Diagnose CSLD and bronchiectasis early; this requires awareness of bronchiectasis symptoms and its co-existence with other respiratory diseases (e.g., asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).Confirm bronchiectasis with a chest computed-tomography scan, using age-appropriate protocols and criteria in children.Undertake a baseline panel of investigations.Assess baseline severity, and health impact, and develop individualized management plans that include a multi-disciplinary approach and coordinated care between healthcare providers.Employ intensive treatment to improve symptom control, reduce exacerbation frequency, preserve lung function, optimize quality-of-life and enhance survival. In children, treatment also aims to optimize lung growth and, when possible, reverse bronchiectasis.Individualize airway clearance techniques (ACTs) taught by respiratory physiotherapists, encourage regular exercise, optimize nutrition, avoid air pollutants and administer vaccines following national schedules.Treat exacerbations with 14-day antibiotic courses based upon lower airway culture results, local antibiotic susceptibility patterns, clinical severity and patient tolerance. Patients with severe exacerbations and/or not responding to outpatient therapy are hospitalized for further treatments, including intravenous antibiotics and intensive ACTs.Eradicate Pseudomonas aeruginosa when newly detected in lower airway cultures.Individualize therapy for long-term antibiotics, inhaled corticosteroids, bronchodilators and mucoactive agents.Ensure ongoing care with 6-monthly monitoring for complications and co-morbidities.Undertake optimal care of under-served peoples, and despite its challenges, delivering best-practice treatment remains the overriding aim.
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