Otitis media is a significant contributor to healthcare visits and the prescription of drugs. Its associated complications and consequences pose the primary factors for preventable hearing impairment, especially in developing nations. Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is prevalent among children globally as one of the commonest chronic infectious diseases during childhood. The subsequent complications and sequelae play a central role in causing avoidable hearing loss, particularly within developing countries. In addition to impaired hearing, this condition can lead to severe health complications, such as issues involving the intracranial region. Despite the involvement of microbial, immunological, and genetic factors as well as Eustachian tube characteristics, in the development of CSOM, there remains a need for further elucidation regarding its pathogenesis. Based on its microorganisms, the treatment of choice will be affected to prevent further complications in the child. The primary approach to treating acute otitis media (AOM) involves effectively addressing ear pain and fever symptoms, while antibiotics are only administered in cases where children experience severe, long-lasting, or frequent infections.Despite the extensive investigation on AOM pathogenesis, research is scarce regarding CSOM. Given that antibiotic resistance and drug-induced ear damage are growing problems and surgery-related complications, it is imperative to devise effective therapeutic interventions against CSOM arises. Therefore, comprehending the host's immune function concerning CSOM and identifying how bacteria sidestep these potent responses becomes crucial. Acquiring insight into molecular mechanisms associated with CSOM will enable scientists to formulate innovative treatment approaches to combat this disease, thereby averting hearing loss consequences. The management consists of watchful waiting, primarily for children with chronic effusions and hearing loss.