The isothermal phase diagram of the Co-Cr-Mn ternary system at 700 & DEG;C was experimentally determined via field-emission electron probe microanalysis/wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometry and electron backscatter diffraction analyses. Three-phase regions of & alpha;Co(para)+ & beta;Mn+ & sigma; and & alpha;Mn+ & beta;Mn+ & sigma; were confirmed via equilibrated microstructures; however, three-phase microstructures related to & alpha;Co(para)+ & epsilon;Co+ & sigma; and & alpha;'+ (Cr)+ & sigma; were not observed in our study. The three-phase region of & alpha;Co(para)+ & epsilon;Co+ & sigma; was estimated to be very narrow because the phase boundaries between the & alpha;Co(para) and & epsilon;Co phases were different within 2 at% for the Co, Cr, and Mn compositions. Furthermore, the & alpha;' phase, presumed to be a nitride, was not observed in the microstructure equilibrated under a strictly controlled high-purity Ar gas (99.999%) atmosphere. The & sigma; phase indicated a wide single-phase region similar to a previous study reported at temperatures between 900 & DEG;C and 1200 & DEG;C. The & alpha;Mn phase, which is stable below 727 & DEG;C in the Cr-Mn binary system and below 900 & DEG;C in the Co-Mn binary system, had a large Co solubility of 9.8 at% in the Co-Cr-Mn ternary system. The composition dependences on the lattice constants of the & sigma; phase in the Co-Cr-Mn ternary system were examined via X-ray diffraction analysis; this analysis showed that the lattice constants a and c changed significantly with increasing Mn composition in the Co and Mn substitution, while the lattice constant of a was constant and c was slightly increased by increasing Mn composition in Cr and Mn substitution. From first-principles calculations, it was deduced that increases or decreases in bonding lengths between the nearest atoms occupying the five sublattice sites were associated with small changes in the lattice constant when Mn replaced Cr. The hardness of the & sigma; phase decreased with increasing c/a, and the hardness in the crystal orientation of (100) was more dependent on the Mn composition than that in the crystal orientation of (001).