This paper discusses how to achieve good quality high-speed reeling, pointing out that for high-speed reeling, in the first place, miss feeding time should be shortened considerably, and that the supplyof correct end cocoons and the end feeding capacity should also meet certain requirements. The miss feed-ing time of most domestic and foreign models of high-speed reeling machines is about 5 seconds. In theSFD- 507 High-Speed Automatic Reeling Machine. the mechanoelectrical size control device (PatentNO. 8620786) can reduce miss feeding time down to 2. 5 seconds, thus ensuring satisfactory raw silkevenness in high-speed reeling. Furthermore, effective measures are taken to raise the end feeding ca-pacity and the supply of correct end cocoons. Therefore, this machine is able to meet in all respects thedemands of good quality high-speed reeling. Wider adoption of it will bring chinese reeling industry intoa new stage of high-speed reeling.