Background: National Central Cancer Registry of China(NCCRC) updated nationwide cancer statistics using population-based cancer registry data in 2014 collected from all available cancer registries.Methods: In 2017, 449 cancer registries submitted cancer registry data in 2014, among which 339 registries’ data met the criteria of quality control and were included in analysis. These cancer registries covered 288,243,347 population, accounting for about 21.07% of the national population in 2014. Numbers of nationwide new cancer cases and deaths were estimated using calculated incidence and mortality rates and corresponding national population stratified by area, sex, age group and cancer type. The world Segi’s population was applied for agestandardized rates.Results: A total of 3,804,000 new cancer cases were diagnosed, the crude incidence rate was 278.07/100,000(301.67/100,000 in males, 253.29/100,000 in females) and the age-standardized incidence rate by world standard population(ASIRW) was 186.53/100,000. Calculated age-standardized incidence rate was higher in urban areas than in rural areas(191.6/100,000 vs. 179.2/100,000). South China had the highest cancer incidence rate while Southwest China had the lowest incidence rate. Cancer incidence rate was higher in female for population between20 to 54 years but was higher in male for population younger than 20 years or over 54 years. A total of 2,296,000 cancer deaths were reported, the crude mortality rate was 167.89/100,000(207.24/100,000 in males,126.54/100,000 in females) and the age-standardized mortality rate by world standard population(ASMRW) was106.09/100,000. Calculated age-standardized mortality rate was higher in rural areas than in urban areas(110.3/100,000 vs. 102.5/100,000). East China had the highest cancer mortality rate while North China had the lowest mortality rate. The mortality rate in male was higher than that in female. Common cancer types and major causes of cancer death differed between age group and sex.Conclusions: Heavy cancer burden and its disparities between area, sex and age group pose a major challenge to public health in China. Nationwide cancer registry plays a crucial role in cancer prevention and control.