Angiography and intracoronary arena was performed in 16 patients in therecovery period after acute myocardial infarction in our hospital fromNovember 1995 to October 1997.The group comprised 16 men.mean age was52.7±11.8 years.Six had postinfarction angina,ten had postinfarction heartfailure.The infart-related vessel was single in 15 cases.8 in LAD.5 inRCA.2 in LCX,infact-related veasel was double in 1 case,LAD+RCA.MeanLesion length was 19.5±5.3mm and average diameter stenosis beforeprocedure was 92.5±5.1%.Nineteen intracoronary atents were implanted.10in LAD.7 in RCA,2 in LCX.Three patients received 2 stents,respectively.The procedure succese rate was 100%.After the stente implanting,averagediameter stenosis decreased to 0-10%.postinfarct angina disappeared,In thepostinfart heartfailure group,the diameter of left atrial and left vertricularon the UCG were reduced,enjection fraction increased significantly.Ourresults indicate that intracoronary stent in the recovery period aftermyocadial infarction provides a benefial effcct in increasing coronary bloodflow.preventing left ventricular function and reducing mortality Ascompared with sngioplasty.coronary stent placement has a higher clinicalsuccses rate and reduces the incidence of reetenosis.