Editors’ notes: The article is specially written for this magazine by Mr. CAI Wenqin of the coordinating and leading office of National dean Vehicle Action. Mr. CAI is also an official at the Hi-Tech Development and Industrialization Dept. of the Ministry of Science and Technology. This paper fully reflects the enormous input and determination of the Chinese government in the industrialization of dean vehicles.CATARC, as a top technical research organization in China’s auto industry, has been involved in many cases of cooperation and consultation worldwide in the field, in terms of technical research, related standards and regulations and technical exchange. Up to now, items upheld or participated by CATARC are as follows:Cooperation with American Energy Fund concerning the research into fuel economy standards andpolicies, technical development routes for China’s Clean Vehicle Action, and standards, regulations andpolicies of electric vehicles;Cooperation with VW concerning research into the technical p