This paper explores four issues concerning aesthetics. First is the groundless concept of eco-aesthetics. In nature, aesthetics is the outcome of civilization and aesthetic appreciation is a process of human’s self-affirmation. Fundamentally, ecology is the opposite of civilization. Ecology is beautiful only when it benefits humans and civilizations. The concept of ecological beauty is groundless and what exists can only be the beauty of eco-civilization. Second is the symbiosis of ecology and civilization, which is the very essence of eco-civilization beauty. Third is simplicity, which is the defining beauty of eco-civilization aesthetics and originates from agricultural civilizations. Such an aesthetic view was negated by industrial civilizations and later realized self-renewal through "negation of negation. " Today, simplicity has become the defining beauty in the era of eco-civilizations. Frugality is the core of simplicity and it carries different connotations in different eras. In the era of agricultural civilizations, frugality was for wealth accumulation, while in the era of eco-civilizations frugality is for resource conservation. Fourth is the construction of eco-civilization aesthetics of which there are three noteworthy aspects; re-establishing the divinity of nature & advocating nature worship, re-humanizing and re-building trust in technology, and improving the quality of the "habitat for humanity. " The community of eco-civilization is the biggest ever shared homeland featuring harmonious co-existence between humans and nature. The aesthetics of eco-civilization are the aesthetics of the human homeland. "Happy living and dwelling" is an eternal theme of human aesthetics. When it comes to the era of eco-civilizations, however, this theme should be added with a prefix, i.e. "eco-" to form a new concept ─ "happy eco-living and dwelling."