Wood-inhabiting fungi from Chengzishan and Binglashan Forest Park of Tieling, Liaoning Province,were investigated, and 70 species, belonging to 9 families in Basidiomycota, were found. Thirteen species,including Fomitiporia punctata, Funalia trogii, Ganoderma lipsiense, Inonotus hispidus, Inonotus radiatus,Inonotus pruinosus, Phylloporia ribis, Daedaleopsis confragosa, Oxyporus populinus, Pholiota squarrosa,Schizophyllum commone, Spongipellis spumeus, Trametes suaveolens are pathogens of living trees in thestudy area. A list of all species, including host(s) of each species, is given, and most of the species arereported for the first time in the province. The major elements of wood-inhabiting fungi in northernLiaoning are the species which are widely distributed in temperate forests. Almost no virgin forests werefound in Liaoning, therefore, the major part of the species is the common wood-inhabiting fungi, and onlya few rare species were found in the study area.