ERP(enterprise resource planning) is a huge and com pl ex system engineering which costs a great lot of fund and manpower. It is a refo rm in the enterprise management mode, management idea and management method whi ch needs mass fund import, with long period, full of risk, hard to perform and can’t show its effects at once. The essence of the enterprise performing in ERP system is to run a "management engineering", which involves integration of opera tion process. The integration will touch business culture, enterprise system,m eans of operation and the department’s regulatioins amongst the operation conten ts, rights and responsibilities. Totally, the ERP system is the rebuilding of ma ngagement idea, method and means, which needs the common acquaintance from the t op management to the whole stuff.Meantime, it requires a perfect tactic to perfo rm an ERP system. We must confirm a cut-in spot as the right space to start bas ed on the enterprise requirement and the application environment. And to choose a right space decides that the application of ERP system is successful or not. S o, we must make it clear to build which subsystem first, to take the right seque nce for performing all kinds of function modules and the final integrated functi ons . All this prepared work for the implement of ERP system and the management, the recombination and optimization of enterprise management operation flow, ite m management and harmonization, ERP educational training and so on can not be pe rformed well without management consultancy. The effective management consultan cy can lead then implement of ERP system to shorten the executive cycle, to quik en the realization of effect and to harmonize the relationship to the client ent erprises so that to ensure the successful perform of ERP.