AIM: To evaluate the effects of femtosecond laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis(FS-LASIK) and small-incision lenticule extraction(SMILE) to correct high myopic anisometropic amblyopia in juvenile patients. METHODS: From November 2013 to January 2015, 33 amblyopic patients with high myopic anisometropic amblyopia were studied. FS-LASIK(30 eyes) or SMILE(3 eyes) was performed in the amblyopic eyes. Visual acuity, refraction, contrast sensitivity, stereoacuity and complications were evaluated. Patients completed followup examinations at 3 d, 1 mo, 3 mo and the last follow-up time(mean 8.17±3.23 mo) after surgery. RESULTS: The mean age at surgery was 9.04±3.04 y(range 6-16 y). The mean spherical equivalent in the amblyopic eyes was significantly decreased from-10.00±2.39 D preoperatively to-0.06±1.06 D at 1 mo,-0.19±1.33 D at 3 mo and-0.60±1.43 D at approximately 8 mo postoperatively(P<0.05 for all). The mean myopic anisometropia was significantly decreased from-9.45±2.33 D preoperatively to +0.37±1.48 D at 1 mo,-0.46±1.47 D at 3 mo and-0.09±1.83 D at approximately 8 mo(P<0.05 for all). The logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution(log MAR) for uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuity(UDVA and CDVA, respectively) of the amblyopic eye improved from 1.74±0.35 and 0.98±0.63 preoperatively to 0.45±0.31 and 0.41±0.33 at approximately 8 mo after surgery, respectively. The logM AR CDVA at 3 d, 1, 3 and 8 mo postoperatively improved by means of 1.42, 2.22, 2.96, and 4.39 lines, and a gain of more than two lines accounted for 45%, 50%, 74% and 86% of all patients, respectively. The contrast sensitivity of both amblyopic eyes and dominant eyes at 0.5, 2, 8 cycles perdegree was significantly improved postoperatively(P<0.05 for all). Of the 33 pediatric patients, no patients had near stereopsis preoperatively and seven patients(21.2%) recovered near stereopsis(400″ to 60″) at approximately 8 mo after surgery. No intraoperative or postoperative complications occurred in any patient.CONCLUSION: FS-LASIK or SMILE can be promising alternative methods to correct high myopic anisometropic amblyopia in juvenile patients who have failed with traditional approaches.