10 Gb/s OEIC optical receiver front-end and 3.125 Gb/s PHEMT limiting amplifier

范超 [1 ,2 ]
陈堂胜 [2 ]
杨立杰 [2 ]
冯欧 [2 ]
焦世龙 [1 ,2 ]
吴云峰 [1 ]
叶玉堂 [1 ]
[1] School of Opto-Electronic Information,UESTC
[2] Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute
OEIC; MSM photodiode; current mode; TIA; depletion mode PHEMT; limiting amplifier;
TN851 [接收机:按形式分];
0810 ; 081001 ;
A 10 Gb/s OEIC(optoelectronic integrated circuit)optical receiver front-end has been studied and fabricated based on theφ-76 mm GaAs PHEMT process;this is the first time that a limiting amplifier(LA)has been designed and realized using depletion mode PHEMT.An OEIC optical receiver front-end mode composed of an MSM photodiode and a current mode transimpedance amplifier(TIA)has been established and optimized by simu- lation software ATLAS.The photodiode has a bandwidth of 10 GHz,a capacitance of 3 fF/μm and a photosensitive area of 50×50μm2.The whole chip has an area of 1511×666μm2.The LA bandwidth is expanded by spiral inductance which has been simulated by software HFSS.The chip area is 1950×1910μm2 and the measured results demonstrate an input dynamic range of 34 dB(10–500 mVpp)with constant output swing of 500 mVpp.
页码:108 / 111
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