20091693 Bai Yunlai(Northwest Geology Research Institute,PetroChina,Lanzhou 730020,China);Yang Yajuan Main Characteristics of Tianshan Oil Shale Deposits in Guyuan of Ningxia and Exploitation and Utilization(Gansu Geology,ISSN1004-4116,CN62-1191/P,17(1),2008,p.65-71,4 illus.,2 tables,13 refs.)Key words:oil shale,NingxiaOil shale is regarded as one of new and no-conventionality energy source,and,it,therefore,had already excited wide attention and became a research hotspot now.It is pointed out that there are abundant resources of oil shale which accompany coal in Tianshan Mountain,Guyuan,Ningxia,and West China.Considering that higher oil-bearing ratio,good quality,advantage traffic,higher level of resource and shallow embedding in the oil shale diggings,