Since Canada made the first anti-dumping code in 1904, United States, Australia and France made their domestic anti-dumping codes suc- cessively. In 1947, the contracting parties made antidumping rules part of GATT (Article Ⅵ). Due to the broad use of tariff and non-tariff trade barriers, few countries turned to anti-dumping measures in 1950s. Recently, because of the reduction of tariff and the restrictions on non-tariff barriers, the number of antidumping cases increases very quickly. For example, the total anti-dumping initiations in 1980 are 69, while the number of anti-dumping initiations in 2001 is 366. Facing such trend, the international society begins to worry about the abuse of the remedy of anti-dumping. In the Doha Round of World Trade Organization talks, the representatives of the Members of WTO agreed as follows: "In light of experience and of the increasing application of these instruments by Members, we agree to negotiations aimed at clarify-