We compile the GOCE-only satellite model GOSG01 S complete to spherical harmonic degree of 220 using Satellite Gravity Gradiometry(SGG) data and the Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking(SST) observations along the GOCE orbit based on applying a least-squares analysis.The diagonal components(Vxx,Vyy,Vzz) of the gravitational gradient tensor are used to form the system of observation equations with the band-pass ARMA filter.The point-wise acceleration observations(ax,ay,az) along the orbit are used to form the system of observation equations up to the maximum spherical harmonic degree/order 130.The analysis of spectral accuracy characteristics of the newly derived gravitational model GOSG01 S and the existing models GOTIM04 S,GODIR04S,GOSPW04 S and JYYGOCE02S based on their comparison with the ultrahigh degree model EIGEN-6C2 reveals a significant consistency at the spectral window approximately between 80 and 190 due to the same period SGG data used to compile these models.The GOCE related satellite gravity models GOSG01 S,GOTIM05S,GODIR05 S,GOTIM04S,GODIR04 S,GOSPW04S,JYY-GOCE02 S,EIGEN-6C2 and EGM2008 are also validated by using GPS-leveling data in China and USA.According to the truncation at degree 200,the statistic results show that all GGMs have very similar differences at GPS-leveling points in USA,and all GOCE related gravity models have better performance than EGM2008 in China.This suggests that all these models provide much more information on the gravity field than EGM2008 in areas with low terrestrial gravity coverage.And STDs of height anomaly differences in China for the selected truncation degrees show that GOCE has improved the accuracy of the global models beyond degree 90 and the accuracies of the models improve from 24 cm to 16 cm.STDs of geoid height differences in USA show that GOSGOIS model has best consistency comparing with GPSleveling data for the frequency band of the degree between 20 and 160.