The September 21,1999,Jiji(Chi-Chi) MW7.6 earthquake is the strongest event occurred since 1900 in Taiwan of China.It is located in the middle segment of the western seismic zone of Taiwan.Based on several versions of China earthquake catalogue this study found that a seismic gap of M≥5 earthquakes appeared,in and around the epicenter region,24 years before and lasted up to the mainshock occurrence.This study also noticed that there existed a lager seismically quiet region of M≥4 earthquakes,which lasted for about 2.5 years before the mainshock occurrence.The spatial variation pattern of regional seismicity before the mainshock seems to match with its coseismic source rupture process.The mentioned seismicity gap and seismic quiescence might be an indication of the preparation process of the Jiji strong earthquake.