1. FOREWORD Jurassic and Cretaceous: deposits are widely dispersed over Northeast China. However, they are mostly continental strata. In 1958, marine beds with ammonites were found for the first time by Xu, Y. Q. and Zhao, D. Z. of the Geological Bureau of Heilongjiang from Longzhaogou, Hulin County, Heilongjiang. The ammonites were identified by Wang, Y. G. (1983., p.100) as Arctocephalites (Crarocephalites) hulinensis Wang, Stenocadoceras? sp., etc., with their age tecognized as the Bathonian, In the 1970’s, blackish deposits with the fossil fishes Sungarichthys longicephalus Takai, etc. were found from western Jilin and studied by Zhang, M. M. et al. (1977) who considered them as belonging to the early-middle