Objective: To detect circulating hepatocellular carcino-ma by demonstrating hepatocellular carcinoma cells orhepatocyte-associated mRNA in the nuclear cell com-ponent of peripheral blood (PBL).Methods: Peripheral blood (5 ml) samples were ob-tained from 93 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) and from 33 control subjects (9 with liver cir-rhosis after hepatitis B,14 with chronic hepatitis B,10with normal liver function). To identify HCC cells inperipheral blood, liver-specific human alpha-fetopro-tein (AFP) mRNA was amplified from total RNA ex-tracted from whole blood by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction.Results: AFPmRNA was detected in 50 blood samplesfrom the HCC patients (50/93, 53.8%). In contrast,there were no clinical control patients whose samplesshowed detectable AFPmRNA in PBL. The presence ofAFPmRNA in blood seemed to be correlated with thestage (by TNM classification) of HCC, the serum AFPvalue, and the presence of intrahepatic metastasis,portal vein thrombosis, tumor diameter and/or distantmetastasis. In addition, AFPmRNA was detected in theblood of 21 patients with metastasis at extrahepaticorgans (100%) in contrast to 29 (40.3%)of 72 pa-tients without metastasis.Conclusion: The presence of AFPmRNA in peripheralblood may be an indicator of malignant hepatocytes,which might predict hematogenous spreading metasta-sis of tumor cells in patients with HCC.