Nanosecond(ns) pulsed dielectric barrier discharge(DBD) is considered as a promising method to produce controllable large-volume and high activity low-temperature plasma at atmospheric pressure, which makes it suitable for wide applications. In this work, the ns pulse power supply is used to excite Ar DBD and the influences of the pulse parameters(voltage amplitude, pulse width, pulse rise and fall times) on the DBD uniformity are investigated. The gas gap voltage(Ug) and conduct current(Ig) are separated from the measured voltage and current waveforms to analyze the influence of electrical parameters. The spectral line intensity ratio of two Ar excited species is used as an indicator of the electron temperature(Te). The time resolved discharge processes are recorded by an intensified charge-coupled device camera and a one-dimensional fluid model is employed to simulate the spatial and temporal distributions of electrons, ions,metastable argon atoms and Te. Combining the experimental and numerical results, the mechanism of the pulse parameters influencing on the discharge uniformity is discussed. It is shown that the space electric field intensity and the space particles’ densities are mainly responsible for the variation of discharge uniformity. With the increase of voltage and pulse width, the electric field intensity and the density of space particles increased, which results in the discharge mode transition from non-uniform to uniform, and then non-uniform. Furthermore, the extension of pulse rise and fall times leads to the discharge transition from uniform to nonuniform. The results are helpful to reveal the mechanism of ns pulsed DBD mode transition and to realize controllable and uniform plasma sources at atmospheric pressure.