As one of the largest human activities, World Expo is an important source of anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas emission(GHG), and the GHG emission and other environmental impacts of the Expo Shanghai 2010, where around 59,397 tons of waste was generated during 184 Expo running days, were assessed by life cycle assessment(LCA). Two scenarios, i.e., the actual and expected figures of the waste sector, were assessed and compared, and 124.01 kg CO2-equivalent(CO2-eq.), 4.43 kg SO2-eq., 4.88 kg NO-3-eq., and 3509 m3 water per ton tourist waste were found to be released in terms of global warming(GW), acidification(AC),nutrient enrichment(NE) and spoiled groundwater resources(SGWR), respectively. The total GHG emission was around 3499 ton CO2-eq. from the waste sector in Expo Park, among which 86.47% was generated during the waste landfilling at the rate of 107.24 kg CO2-eq.,and CH4, CO and other hydrocarbons(HC) were the main contributors. If the waste sorting process had been implemented according to the plan scenario, around 497 ton CO2-eq.savings could have been attained. Unlike municipal solid waste, with more organic matter content, an incineration plant is more suitable for tourist waste disposal due to its high heating value, from the GHG reduction perspective.