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- [1] RFID Mutual Authentication Scheme Based on Synchronized Secret Information. S.Lee,,T.Asano,,K.Kim. Proceedngs of Symposium on Cryptography and Infor- mation Security . 2006
- [2] Low-cost Cryptography for Privacy in RFID Systems. B.Calmels,S.Canard,M.Girault,H.Sibert. Proceed- ings of International Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications . 2006
- [3] Protecting RFID Communications in Sup- ply Chains. Y.Li,X.Ding. Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Symposium on Information,Computer,and Communication Security . 2007
- [4] Disabling RFID Tags with Visible Confirmation:Clipped Tags are Silenced. G.Karjoth,P.A.Moskowitz. Pro- ceedings of ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society . 2005
- [5] A Platform for RFID Security and Privacy Administration. M.R.Rieback,G.N.Gaydadjiev,B.Crispo,R.F.H.Hof- man,A.S.Tanenbaum. Proceedings of the 20th Large Installation System Administration Conference . 2006
- [6] Cryptographic Approach to“privacy-friendly”Tags. M.Ohkubo,K.Suzuki,S.Kinoshita. Proceedings of RFID Privacy Workshop . 2003
- [7] Se- curity and Privacy Aspects of Low-cost Radio Frequency Identification Systems. S.A.Weis,,S.E.Sarma,,R.L.Rivest,,D.W.Eengels. Proceedings of Internationl Con- ference on Security in Pervasive Computin . 2004
- [8] Mutual Au- thentication Protocol for Low-cost RFID. J.Yang,J.Park,H.Lee,K.Ren,K.Kim. Proceedings of Workshop on RFID and Lightweight Crypto . 2005
- [9] Public Key Cryptography for REID-tags. L.Batina,J.Cuajardo,T.Kerins,N.Mentens,P.Tuyls,I.Verbauwhede. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops . 2006
- [10] Lightweight Authentication Pro- tocols for Low-cost RFID Tags. I.Vajda,L.Buttyan. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Security in Uniquitous Com- puting-Ubicomp . 2003