Grid-connected Multilevel Topology for HVDC Offshore Wind Farm Based on MFT

Firas Obeidat [1 ]
XU Lie [1 ]
LI Yong-dong [1 ]
[1] Electrical Engineering Department,Tsinghua University
permanent magnet synchronous generator; modular multi-level converter; medium frequency transformer;
TM614 [风能发电]; TM721.1 [直流制输电];
0807 ; 080802 ;
This paper presents a new topology to connect high voltage direct current(HVDC) offshore wind farm into the grid.The offshore part consists of five units,each unit contains permanent magnet synchronous generator(PMSG) connected to three-phase/three-phase matrix converter to control the generator speed by using a maximum power point tracking(MPPT) control.The offshore platform consists of a three-phase medium frequency transformer(MFT) and a modular multi-level converter(MMC).The primary of each phase of the transformer connected to one phase from each unit.The secondary of the transformer connected to MMC to get HVDC.The HVDC cable will be used to transfer power from the offshore side to the on-shore side.Five-level MMC is used in the onshore side to control the DC voltage and to connect the offshore wind farm into the grid by converting the HVDC to high voltage alternative current(HVAC).
页码:29 / 32
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