The remaining useful life(RUL) of a system is generally predicted by utilising the data collected from the sensors that continuously monitor di erent indicators. Recently, di erent deep learning(DL) techniques have been used for RUL prediction and achieved great success. Because the data is often time-sequential, recurrent neural network(RNN) has attracted significant interests due to its e ciency in dealing with such data. This paper systematically reviews RNN and its variants for RUL prediction, with a specific focus on understanding how di erent components(e.g., types of optimisers and activation functions) or parameters(e.g., sequence length, neuron quantities) a ect their performance. After that, a case study using the well-studied NASA’s C-MAPSS dataset is presented to quantitatively evaluate the influence of various state-of-the-art RNN structures on the RUL prediction performance. The result suggests that the variant methods usually perform better than the original RNN, and among which, Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory generally has the best performance in terms of stability, precision and accuracy. Certain model structures may fail to produce valid RUL prediction result due to the gradient vanishing or gradient exploring problem if the parameters are not chosen appropriately. It is concluded that parameter tuning is a crucial step to achieve optimal prediction performance.