Introduction: Colorectal cancer(CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in all racial and ethnic groups.Although there is an increasing use of traditional healing methods, like acupuncture, in integrative medical practice in the US, there is very limited research on the use of traditional healers in communitybased public health outreach.Given the high use of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) among Chinese Americans, this study was conducted to explore the potentially useful approach of incorporating TCM providers(including both acupuncturists and herbalists) in a culturally relevant public health education program for the Chinese American community.Methods: This study was conducted in three phases during 2011-2013 in San Francisco, California.Phase 1 explored the suitability of TCM providers in CRC prevention.Phase 2 developed and tested a 38-page integrative educational flipchart.Phase 3recruited and trained four TCM providers to conduct CRC prevention intervention using small group education sessions and the culturally relevant CRC prevention materials developed in Phase 2.Focus groups, observations, and interviews were conducted with TCM providers and their clients as well as Chinese American community members.Results: In Phase 1, the role of TCM providers as CRC educators was deemed acceptable by both providers and community members, although some providers had reservations about engaging in CRC outreach activities due to lack of expertise.In Phase 2, the integrative CRC education flipchart was perceived as culturally appropriate based on stakeholder input and feedback.In Phase 3, both TCM providers and their participants showed increased understanding of integrative methods in CRC prevention.Conclusion: This study indicates that TCM providers are a valuable and culturally appropriate community resource for providing information on CRC prevention.It suggests a potential role for traditional healers as change agents in the community health network.