共 30 条
- [5] Managing disruptive innovation with technology acquisitions: the informing case of software-based high-technology industries[J] . Marcus Wagner.Technology Analysis & Strategic Management . 2016 (8)
- [6] The role of inter-organizational networks in enabling or delaying disruptive innovation: a case study of mVoIP[J] . Niki Hynes,Andrew David Elwell.The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing . 2016 (6)
- [7] Will the momentum of the electric car last? Testing an hypothesis on disruptive innovation[J] . Marc Dijk,Peter Wells,René Kemp.Technological Forecasting & Social Change . 2016
- [8] Disruption in the US machine tool industry: The role of inhouse users and pre-disruption component experience in firm response[J] . Raja Roy,Susan K. Cohen.Research Policy . 2015 (8)
- [9] Opportunities for disruption[J] . Chang Chieh Hang,Elizabeth Garnsey,Yi Ruan.Technovation . 2015
- [10] Antecedents and implications of disruptive innovation: Evidence from China[J] . Feng Wan,Peter J. Williamson,Eden Yin.Technovation . 2015