Here reproduction and death toxicity data were selected for 4-nonylphenol based on endocrine disrupting properties of the reproductive system. Assessment factor (AF) and species sensitivity distribution (SSD) curve were employed to derive criteria maximum concentration (CMC) and criteria continuous concentration (CCC) of three different 4-nonylphenols for protection of aquatic life. The results showed that the CMC and CCC based on SSD method and death toxicity data for three different 4-nonylphenols (CAS No: 104405, 25154523, 84852163) were 26.7, 13.6, 3.84 g L 1 and 8.86, 2.21, 0.97 g L 1, respectively. Based on SSD and reproductive toxicity data, the CCC values of different 4-nonylphenols (CAS No: 104405, 25154523) were 1.59 and 1.34 g L 1, respectively. The CCC values obtained by the AF for three different 4-nonylphenol (CAS No: 104405, 25154523, 84852163) were 0.165, 1.03, 0.74 g L 1 and 0.5, 0.5, 0.1 g L 1, respectively, based on death toxicity data and reproductive toxicity data. The CCC values obtained by AF were all lower than the corresponding criteria values obtained by SSD, and the CCC values based on reproductive toxicity data were less than those based on the death toxicity data. This study provides a useful method for deriving water quality criteria for endocrine disruptors.