Immersive virtual product development is a new desi gn , developing and evaluation method of integrated product and processing tragedie s, which using VR, multi-discipline simulation and scientific visualization tec hnologies. Users may have the experiences of being part of a cyberspace environm ent with the ability to navigate and manipulate objects which have properties an d behaviors that correspond to those of the real world objects. We present a fra mework and prototype system of an immerse VPD (IVPD) which enables users to navi gate and interact with 3D peripherals with the display system. The framework of IVPD which we have defined can meet these requirements. In the immersive virtual environment, design will include four main parts: 3D CAD/modeler, multidiscipli ne simulations, CAM and discrete system simulation. 3D CAD/modeler can create 3D geometric objects and import models from other commercial softwares such as UG, CATIA etc. It can also store all kinds of models into databases with hierarchy which will provide geometric models with simulations and evaluations in later pr ocedures. Multidiscipline simulations can integrate many simulations such as FEA , CFD, Noisy and etc. Each kind of these simulation softwares will reflect a cer tain aspect of product or component’s performances. CAM, as a successor of prod uct development, mainly simulates the manufacturing procedures in the computer. Discrete system simulation will able to see the layout problems for a factory. I t is very useful for production management. Participants may actively view the v irtual world revolving around them while others control navigation and simul ations, and may interact with other members such as pass an object from one embo died manikin to another.