AIM:Microcirculatory disturbances are important earlypathophysiological events in various organs during acutepancreatitis.The aim of the study was to evaluate changesin microperfusion of the pancreas,liver,kidney,stomach,colon,skeletal muscle,and to investigate the influence ofheparin on the organ microcirculation in caerulein-inducedexperimental acute pancreatitis.METHODS:Acute pancreatitis was induced by 4intraperitoneal injections of caerulein(Cn)(15 μg/kg).Theorgan microcirculation was measured by laser Dopplerflowmetry.Serum interleukin 6 and hematocrit levels wereanalysed.RESULTS:Acute pancreatitis resulted in a significant dropof microperfusion in all examined organs.Heparinadministration(2×2.5 mg/kg)improved the microcirculationin pancreas(36.9±4% vs 75.9±10%),liver(56.6±6% vs75.2±16%),kidney (45.1±6% vs 79.3±5%),stomach(65.2±8% vs 78.1±19%),colon(69.8±6% vs 102.5±19%),and skeletal muscle (59.2±6% vs 77.9±13%).Heparintreatment lowered IL-6(359.0±66 U/mL vs 288.5±58 U/mL)and hematocrit level(53±4% vs 46±3%).CONCLUSION:Heparin administration has a positive influenceon organ microcirculatory disturbances accompanyingexperimental Cn-induced acute pancreatitis.