To survive that is to eat and not to be eaten. Whatever its spatial and temporal level of organisation, every living system owns 7 invariant capacities(the gauge invariance paradigm). Emerging by embedments and juxtapositions of previous systems, every living system-of-systems is both dependent and independent from its new global level of organisation and past and present local situations of emergence. Mass growth governs growth phase duration. Local actors, modules of past, present and new modules of modules become mutually integrated(percolation process) into a new Whole through their merging into an ARMSADA(Association for the Reciprocal and Mutual Sharing of Advantages and DisAdvantages). Reversely(systemic constructal law) the global Whole is integrating the local parceners. Whatever the organisation level, the living systems obey the same principle of evolution and emergence, the volume and time of generation of the adult system obey a correlation: The mass controlled duration of acquisition of the reproductive capacity and the volume at its acquisition are linked by a 3/2 exponent power law. This dynamic fractal law is invariant, between and within levels of organisation. Brownian motion is the basic phenomenon of growth control: Matter and energy are exchanged at a constant flow rate. A Pareto-like relationship governs limits and limitations: Mutual survival depends on reciprocal limitations, through interactive feedbacks, for the best and for the worst. To survive that is to transform disadvantages into advantages and to avoid advantages turn to disadvantages.