English-language schooling has become a focal point for the Chinese education sector,since English has become the communicative means for global political,cultural and economic exchanges.This new reality means that more is expected from tertiary-level English majors who become increasingly crucial as cross-cultural communicators.Considering the importance and popularity of English major programs,efforts relating to improvements in the existing 2000 Curriculum for English Major Chinese tertiary students Studies for Chinese universities are constantly being discussed.The Curriculum,in turn,attracts the attention of educators,as it is closely connected to teaching context,teaching method,evaluation of language programs,and so on.As such programs are never perfect and always require change and adaptation to changing contexts,what is needed is critique and innovation.This paper aims at analysing the existing 2000 Curriculum and putting forward some innovations and extrapolating the educative values of these reforms.The structure of the paper consists of four major sections.It begins with an evaluation of the existing 2000 Curriculum,both the positive and the problematic aspects of the program.The second section maps out three proposed innovations: Problem-Based Learning(PBL),Task-Based Language Teaching(TBLT) and the inclusion of Chinese cultural material.I then elaborate the advantages of the reform in contrast to the existing system.The final part of the paper extrapolates the various educative values of these reforms.