The Bible,which is the Hebrew Scriptures,is viewed as a library of different literary types rather than a single book. In this library in the Old Testament there are classics like the Psalms,the Song of Solomon,Ecclesiastes,Isaiah,and Jeremiah. As the classics from the ancient times,they have formulated a new form of poem,which is the Biblical free verse. From these ancient writings we find the trend of free verse. Many great poets follow the path of this form of writings and get inspirations from them. The pioneer of these great poets is Walt Whitman,the first practitioner of free verse in modern times,the greatest poet in American history. His poems are collected in his Leaves of Grass,which has opened a new age for poetry creation. Needless to say the Biblical free verse has provided fine models for Walt Whitman. The following writing will explore the connections between them from the perspective of diction.