An Integrated Die Casting Design System

Y K Woon
K S Lee
[1] National University of Singapore
[2] Dept. of Mechanical and Production Engineering
[3] National University of Singapore Singapore
integrated die design system; parametric design; feature-based design;
TG249 [特种铸造];
080201 ; 080503 ;
Die casting process is one of the prime options for m anufacturing precisely dimensioned, sharply defined metal parts. The design of d ie casting dies comprises several stages and entails a large amount of time. Tra ditionally, the different stages of the die design were not integrated but exist as separate entities. Moreover, recurring modifications or even redesigns are r equired due to the complexity in achieving an accurate initial die design. As a result, die design is usually time-consuming and costly with respect to resourc es. The die casting industry will greatly benefit if proper application software are developed that integrates the different die design stages and allows editin g of die design as and when needed. Hence it is imperative to create an integrat ed die design system that shortens the die design time. This paper presents a research that establishes a prototype of an integrated die design system. It is developed using the commercial SolidWorks CAD system and n amed DiWorks. The aim of building the system on a commercial CAD system is to ut ilise the resources and features of the CAD system to speed up the die design pr ocess. DiWorks consists of six distinct modules: Project Manager, Cavity Insert Builder, Gating System Constructor, Die Base Designer, Ejector System Constructo r and Standard Components Library. Through these six modules, the die designer c an create a complete die casting die beginning from a product part model. It is a user-friendly system that allows both experienced and novice die designers to easily accomplish the task of die design. The practical goal of this research is twofold: to develop a system that integra tes the die design process and at the same time facilitates the editing of d ie design during or after the course of the design process. The research approac h includes (i) parametric design, (ii) feature-based design (iii) system modeli ng and implementation. Parametric design deals with variable dimensions as contr ol parameters, and it is an efficient tool for creating models based on paramete rs. Parametric design not only increases the design efficiency, but also makes t he updates and modifications of existing designs easier and faster, since these can be achieved by changing the parameters of the parametric model. Feature-bas ed design is used to design a product with features that are functionally define d by attributes and are geometrically represented by a set of parameters. The re sults of this research will aid the automation of the die design process, thus i mproving the efficiency and quality of, and reducing the cost of die design.
页码:208 / 209