In the Indian Himalayan Region, th studies focused on diversity of the plants used fo treating liver diseases/ailments have not been carried out so far. Therefore, the present attempt has been made to study the diversity, distribution pattern and conservation status of the plant species used fo treating liver diseases/ailments in that region. A tota of 138 species (35 species of trees, 22 shrubs and 8 herbs) belonging to 98 genera in 60 families hav been recorded. Amongst the families, Euphorbiacea (9 species), and altitudinal zone <1,800 m, (i.e., 11 species) are rich in species. Traditionally, variou plant parts, such as roots/rhizomes/tubers (46 species), leaves (31), whole plants (30), barks (15) fruits (13), seeds and unspecified parts (8 each), and inflorescence (1) are used for the treatment of live diseases/ailments. 34 species are native, 3 ar endemic and 15 near endemic. 7 species ar categorized as Critically Endangered (Betula utilis) Endangered (Podophyllum hexandrum, Ephedra gerardiana, and Nardostachys grandiflora) and Vulnerable (Bergenia ligulata, B. stracheyi, and Hedychium spicatum) using new IUCN criteria Available chemical composition of plant parts used fo the treatment of liver diseases/ailments have beengiven. Assessment of the populations of threatened species, development of an appropriate strategy, action plan for the conservation and sustainable utilization of such components of plant diversity are suggested.