A 24 year old man asks you for help with his heroin problem. He has been taking the drug for about a year and is spending at least £60 ( = 90; $110) a day on it. Abstract: What issues you should cover You should do a full assessment before deciding on any action; this is likely to take more than one consultation. An empathic and non-judgmental approach will engage him and help him to begin the process of change. You need to clarify why he has come to you now and what he wants-often, but not always, this is a prescription. All GPs should be able to gather the information they need for an appropriate referral and to provide general care. Current drug use-Ask about all illicit drugs he has taken in the past month (including cannabis). Record quantity and frequency of use, together with route of administration. Also note his smoking and drinking habits. Past drug history and treatment experience-Ask about onset of drug use and when it first became a problem. What do drugs do for him? Has he tried stopping previously?