Highly active and selective Ni-based catalysts for partial oxidation of methane (POM) to syngas (CO/H,) have been studied and developed. Spectroscopic characterization by XRD, XPS, EPR, etc. demonstrated that under the POM reaction conditions, the Ni-components of the catalysts investigated were reduced and enriched on the surface to form metallic Ni0-phase. A comparative study of the first series of transition-metals showed that only Ni and Co have a high POM activity and selectivity, whereas the others (including Mn, Fe, Cu, etc. ) give mainly complete combustion products, Co, and H2O. The results favor the following viewpoints: the PoM activity is related with the rapidly changeable valence transitionmetal sites, M0/M2+ (e. g. Ni0/Ni2+ ), on the surface of the functioning catalysts;the transition-metal sites in zero-valence state seem to be responsible for the activation and dehydrogenation of methane by homolytic splitting of its C-H bonds on these sites. and the nature of rapidly changeable valence of the active sties is requisite for activation and rapid conversion of dioxygen.