A study on advanced drinking water treatment was conducted in a pilot scale plant taking water from conventional treatment process. Ozonation-biologic al activated carbon process(O3-BAC) and granular activated carbon process(GAC) w ere evaluated based on the following parameters: CODMn, UV254, total organic car bon(TOC), assimilable organic carbon(AOC) and biodegradable dissolved organic ca rbon(BDOC). In this test, the average removal rates of CODMnb, UV254 and TOC in O3-BAC were 18.2%, 9.0% and 10.2% higher on(AOC) than in GAC, respectively. Ozon ation increased 19.3—57.6 ?滋g Acetate-C/L in AOC-P17, 45.6—130.6 ?滋g Acetate -C/L in AOC-NOX and 0.1—0.5 mg/L in BDOC with ozone doses of 2—8 mg/L. The opt imum ozone dose for maximum AOC formation was 3 mgO3/L. BAC filtration was effec tive process to improve biostability.