Nowadays, increasing attention has been drawn to the importance of autonomy in language learning. Autonomy has in fact become a buzzword (Little, 1991) and a central theme in language learning and teaching (Camilleri, 1999). Autonomy entails an attitude towards the learning which bridges the gap between what is taught and how it is applied in real life. It will facilitate learners to apply the knowledge acquired in a given context to different situations. However, learners’ autonomy cannot be analyzed and fulfilled thoroughly without taking account of teachers’ roles in correlated interaction of teaching and learning. This paper aims at looking into the relation between the teacher and the learner to see how teachers’ role is associated with the development of learners’ autonomy. It is composed of four parts: the first part is the general definition of automony, in the second part, I will focus on a reconsideration of learners’ autonomy and the third part is about teachers’ role for learners’ autonomy. Finally, I will give a further implication for teachers and learners to better improved learners’ autonomy.