Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) is the most influential economic cooperation mechanism in the Asia-Pacific region. China is not only a participant but also a staunch supporter of and a major contributor to economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. China has always upheld the spirit of Asia-Pacific partnership, leaving its footprints deeply engraved in the historical development of APEC. Through its involvement with APEC, China has not only furthered its own development, but also made important contributions to regional and even global economic development. Over the years, the practice of APEC, centering on the cooperative vision represented by the Bogor Goals, has greatly improved the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment and has raised the level of economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. With the deadline for achieving the Bogor Goals approaching, the direction that such cooperation will take after 2020 has become a focus of popular concern. The international structure is now undergoing profound changes unseen in the past century. As unilateralism and protectionism affect the globalization process, APEC faces both opportunities and challenges in the near future. To draw up a future cooperation blueprint together with the other economies involved, China has to forge ahead bravely through all kinds of weather.