0 IntroductionLet Ωbe a smooth bounded domain in Rn with n>3, consider the problem of finding a function u(x)which satisfieswhere 0<α<1, 1<P=2n-1, 2n=2n/n-2 is the critical exponent for Sobolev embedding H01→L2 .Indeed solutions of (0 ,1) correspond to critical points of the functionalBrezis and Nirenberg considered the case α≥1 and p= 2* -1, and obtainedTheorem (B , N) Let n≥4, when α=1 and 0 <λ< λ1,there is a solution of (0. 1) ; when α> 1 there is asolution of (0. 1) for any λ>0.The principal tecncihique of argument in [1] is using positive radial solution (0. 3) of equation -△u=u2n-1 in R*.