共 1 条
Discussion on Management Model of Medical Equipment Maintenance in Hospital
ZHOU Qiang
DENG Wen-yan
[1] Department of Medical Engineering Beijing Hospital
[2] Logistic & Medical Device Centre, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital
[3] Department of Medical Equipment,Beijing Hospital
medical equipment;
maintenance manage-ment;
management model;
questionnaire survey;
medical engineering;
D O I:
R197.32 [组织与管理];
1004 ;
120402 ;
With the development of technology, medical equipment plays a more important role in the modern hospital. Medical equipment provides images, physiological results or other schematics of the patients to help doctors deal with the routines. It is also the major tool to the lab assistant in the clinical teaching and studies. It becomes one of a symbol of the technological level in modern hospital. The director of the hospital should establish an effi cacious management pattern to manage the medical equipment, so that it will be operated in good condition to insure the safety of the patients. Since the maintenance is an important part of medical equipment management, it is significant that the hospital should establish a system to fit for itself. The study reviews the issues in hospital medical equipment maintenance management, the development of the maintenance management model and the characteristics, as well as the status at home and abroad. The research has been fi nished by using literature research method, questionnaire survey method and data analysis method. Then we analyze the current status of hospital medical equipment maintenance management model to fi nd the problems. Based on the authentic and effective data from the survey, we can deduce the overview about the maintenance model in Beijing. The paper discusses the advantages and the disadvantages between the different model, and it makes suggestions on the follow aspects, such as system management, quality management, personnel management, cost management, information management perspective.
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