共 15 条
- [1] The Bridge at the End ofthe World. James Gustave Speth. . 2008
- [2] Early Writings. Karl Marx. . 1974
- [3] Summers on Sustainable Growth. Lawrence H.Summers. theEconomist . 1992
- [4] Capital. Marx. .
- [5] Capital. Karl Marx. . 1967
- [6] Selected Works in One Volume. Karl Marx,Frederick En-gels. International Publishers . 1984
- [7] “Save the Planet from Capitalism,”. Evo Morales. http://links.org.au/node/769 . 2008
- [8] Ecology Against Capitalism. John Bellamy Foster. Monthly Review Press . 2002
- [9] Grasping the Climate Crisis. Bo Ekman,Johan Rockstrom,Anders Wijk-man. The Tall b:erg Foundation . 2008
- [10] Save the Planet from Capitalism. Morales. .