This work presents a new version of a Visual Basic 6.0 application for estimating the fractal dimension of images (Grossu et al., 2009 [1]). The earlier version was limited to bi-dimensional sets of points, stored in bitmap files. The application was extended for working also with comma separated values files and three-dimensional images. New version program summary: Program title: Fractal Analysis v02. Catalogue identifier: AEEG_v2_0. Program summary URL: Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland. Licensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 9999. No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 4 366 783. Distribution format: tar.gz. Programming language: MS Visual Basic 6.0. Computer: PC. Operating system: MS Windows 98 or later. RAM: 30 M. Classification: 14. Catalogue identifier of previous version: AEEG_v1_0. Journal reference of previous version: Comput. Phys. Comm. 180 (2009) 1999. Does the new version supersede the previous version?: Yes. Nature of problem: Estimating the fractal dimension of 2D and 3D images. Solution method: Optimized implementation of the box-counting algorithm. Reasons for new version:1.The previous version was limited to bitmap image files. The new application was extended in order to work with objects stored in comma separated values (csv) files. The main advantages are: a)Easier integration with other applications (csv is a widely used, simple text file format);b)Less resources consumed and improved performance (only the information of interest, the black points, are stored);c)Higher resolution (the points coordinates are loaded into Visual Basic double variables [2]);d)Possibility of storing three-dimensional objects (e.g. the 3D Sierpinski gasket).2.In this version the optimized box-counting algorithm [1] was extended to the three-dimensional case. Summary of revisions:1.The application interface was changed from SDI (single document interface) to MDI (multi-document interface).2.One form was added in order to provide a graphical user interface for the new functionalities (fractal analysis of 2D and 3D images stored in csv files). Additional comments: User friendly graphical interface; Easy deployment mechanism. Running time: In the first approximation, the algorithm is linear. References: [1] I.V. Grossu, C. Besliu, M.V. Rusu, Al. Jipa, C.C. Bordeianu, D. Felea, Comput. Phys. Comm. 180 (2009) 1999-2001.[2] F. Balena, Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Microsoft Press, US, 1999. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.