The prosperity of various forest regeneration methods was evaluated on the prepared windthrow area established in 2010 in a previously allochthonous coniferous stand growing in mid-elevations of the Czech Republic. The forest regeneration variants were as follows: (1) planting of target species (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and Fagus sylvatica (L.), (2) seeding of pioneer (non target) species (Betula pendula Roth) and (3) spontaneous succession. Two years after windthrow the planting was evaluated in accordance with the Czech forestry law as regeneration method with sufficient attributes, density (6,000-9,000 indd·ha-1) and regular spatial distribution of target tree species. The seeding and succession variants showed a insufficient attributes of target tree species - total density ca 3,000 indd·ha-1 (being ca 1,000 indd·ha-1 higher than 20 cm) and irregular distribution across the plot. The nontarget species birch on the seeding variant showed a high density of plants (131,000 indd·ha-1) being eight times higher than the succession variant. The cost of the regeneration treatment was different between the variants - planting: 5,000-6,000 EUR·ha-1, 1,300 EUR·ha-1, succession: 1,000 EUR·ha-1. Comparing to planting the higher diversity of tree species and higher density of non-target species (20,000-134,000 EUR·ha-1) in the seeding and succession variants promise success for the future, however the real potential of regeneration methods that were used will be clear after long-term observations.