The choice of the strength criterion and the mechanical factors is obviously important to the stability analysis of the slope, whether by traditional limit-equilibrium analysis or numerical simulation analysis. Based on the nonlinear strength criterion, Hoek-Brown strength criterion, the geology strength index GSI, the empirical constants of rock mi, the factor which depends upon the degree of disturbance to the rock mass, have been subjected to blast damage and stress relaxation D, and the height of slope H and the angel of slope are chosen as the main factors that control the stability of slope. The study of those factors has been carried out using a 2D slope stability program Slide. Conclusions can be drawn as follows: (1) with the increase of GSI value, the stability factor F shows increase trend in the form of exponent; (2) with the increase of mi value, F shows obviously different trends, increase or decline, in the different ranges of the GSI values; (3) with the increase of D value, F shows decline trend in the form of line; (4) with the increase of the height of slope H, F shows the decline trend in form of negative exponent; and with the increase of the slope angle, F shows decrease in the form of polyline with different slopes, in the different ranges of . According to the limit value of the rock uniaxial compressive strength in the rock masses classification criterion which has put forward by E. Hoek et al, the stability of rock slopes is analyzed and the stability factor charts are drafted. Finally, the stability chart is used in a rock slope engineering, and the result shows that it can be used to estimate the range of the rock slope stability factor effectively and consistent to the quantitative analysis.